UPSC Model MCQs (Economics) - Part 3

1. Which one of the following committees recommended the abolition of reservation of item of small-scale sector in industry?
(A) Abid Hussain Committee
(B) Narasimhan Committee
(C) Nayak Committee
(D) Rakesh Mohan Committee
Ans) A

2. A labour intensive industry is one that
(A) Require hard manual labour
(B) Pay adequate wages to the labour
(C) Employs more hands
(D) Provide facilities to labour
Ans) C

3. In the 'Index of Core Industries', which one of the following is is given the highest weight overlapping?
(A) Coal production
(B) Electricity generation
(C) Fertilizers production
(D) Steel production
Ans) B

4. Which one of the following services is included in the service sector of Indian Economy?
(A) Transport, storage and communication
(B) Financing, insurance, real estate and business services
(C) Community, social and personal services
(D) All of the above
Ans) D

5. Among other things which one of the following was the purpose for which Deepak Parekh Committee was constituted?
(A) To study the current socio-economic conditions of certain minority communities.
(B) To suggest measures for financing the development of infrastructure.
(C) To frame a policy on the genetically modified organisms.
(D) To suggest measures to reduce the fiscal deficit in the Union Budget
Ans) B

6. Disguised unemployment generally means
(A) Large number of people remain unemployed
(B) Alternative employment is not available
(C) Marginal productivity of labour is zero
(D) Productivity of workers is low
Ans) C

7. How does the National Rural Livelihood Mission seek to improve livelihood options of rural poor?
i. By setting up a large number of new manufacturing industries and agribusiness centres in rural areas.
ii. By strengthening self-help groups and providing still development.
iii. By supplying seeds, fertilizers, diesel pump-sets and micro-irrigation equation free of cost to farmers.
Select the correct answer using the codes given below
(A) i and ii
(B) Only ii
(C) i and iii
(D) All of the these
Ans) B

8. Among the following who are eligible to benefit from MNREGA?
(A) Adult member only SC and ST households
(B) Adult members of BPL households
(C) Adult members of households of all backward communities
(D) Adult members of any households
Ans) D

9. Disguised unemployment in India is mainly related to
i. Agricultural sector
ii. Rural sector
iii. Factory sector
iv. Urban area
Select the correct answer using the codes given below
(A) i and ii
(B) i and iv
(C) ii and iv
(D) ii and iii
Ans) C

10. Estimates of pverty are made by the Planning Commission/NITI Aayog based on the data provided by which of the following?
(C) Ministry of Rural Development
(D) Ministry of Finance
Ans) A


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