UGC NET Economics Previous Questions/July 2016 - Part 4

(1) The statement that, "no one can be made better off without making someone worse off" describes which of the following ?
A) Pareto Optimum
B) Nash Equilibrium
C) Low Level Equilibrium Trap
D) Cournot's Equilibrium
Ans) A

(2) Slutsky equation explains the -
A) Demand for durable goods.
B) Supply of durable goods.
C) Split between price, income and              substitution effects.
D) Demand for rare or non-reproductive goods.
Ans) C

(3) L shaped average cost curve is witnessed in the large firms because -
A) Only the law of increasing returns operates.
B) The law of constant returns to scale operates.
C) Only the law of constant return operates.
D) The operation of law of decreasing returns is continuously postponed.
Ans) D

(4) Consider the following statements regarding the long run equilibrium in the monopolistic market.
I. Firms are in no profit no loss situation.
II. There is no entry or exit of the firms.
Which among the above statements are true ? Answer from the code below :
Code :
A) Only I is true.
B) Only II is true.
C) Both I and II are true.
D) Neither I nor II are true.
Ans) C

(5) Which of the following is not a problem of Insurance Markets ?
A) Adverse selection
B) Moral Hazard
C) Asymmetric Information
D) Principal-agent problem
Ans) D

(6) In consumption, inferior goods have -
A) Negative income effect
B) Positive income effect
C) Zero income effect
D) Infinite income effect
Ans) A

(7) Consider the following statements :
I. Inflation is advantageous to debtors.
II. Inflation is advantageous to the bond-holders.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct ?
Codes :
A) I only
B) II only
C) Both I and II
D) Neither I and II
Ans) A

(8) 'Near money' is correctly defined as an -
A) Asset which has 100% liquidity.
B) Asset which has no store of value function.
C) Asset which is a medium of exchange.
D) Asset which fufils the store of value function and can be converted into a medium of exchange at a short notice.
Ans) D

(9) Match the following :
a) MPC = 0.2      b) MPS = 0.5
c) MPS = 0.75    d) MPC = 0.4
List-II (Multiplier)
i) K = 2      ii) K = 1.66
iii) K = 1.33    iv) K = 1.25
Select the correct answer from the codes given below :
Codes :
     a  b  c  d
A)  i  ii  iii iv
B)  ii iv  i  iii
C) iv  i  iii  ii
D) iii  i  iv  ii
Ans) C

(10) In the context of steady state growth in Solow's model, the output growth rate overtime will be -
A) Increasing
B) Decreasing
C) Constant
D) Fluctuating
Ans) C

(11) Who among the following economists assume dualism in the economy ?
I. Ranis and Fie     II.  D.Ricardo
III. Robert Solow    IV.  R.Harrod
Answer from the codes given below :
Codes :
A) All the four above
B) Only I and II
C) Only IV
D) I, II and III
Ans) B

(12) Backward and forward linkages are relevant for which kind of growth strategy ?
A) Unbalanced growth
B) Trickle down growth
C) Balanced growth
D) Equilibrium growth
Ans) A

(13) 'Reserve army of labour' term was used by who among the following economists ?
A) J. Schumpeter
B) J.R. Hicks
C) Karl Marx
D) T.R. Malthus
Ans) C

(14) Which production function admits both Harrod-neutral and Hicks-neutral technical progress ?
A) Cobb-Douglas
B) C.E.S
C) V.E.S
D) None of the above
Ans) A

(15) Which among the following is not a criterion for declaring special category state ?
A) Over population
B) Poor infrastructure
C) Hilly and difficult terrain
D) Non-viable state finances
Ans) A

(16) For the testing of consistency and viability of a planning project, which of the prices are used ?
A) Market price
B) Shadow price
C) Administered price
D) Controlled price
Ans) B

(17) In which of the Five Year Plans in India, for the first time an extensive input-output model was used ?
A) First plan
B) Second plan
C) Third plan
D) Seventh plan
Ans) C

(18) Who among the following economists developed the Reinvestment-Criterion ?
A) Walter Galenson and Harvey Leibenstein
B) A.K. Sen
C) Maurice Dobb
D) None of the above
Ans) A

(19) Area approach to decentralised planning in India was advocated by who among the following ?
A) D.R. Gadgil
B) K.N. Raj
C) Raj Krishna
D) Pranav Mukherjee
Ans) A

(20) Which amongst the following options is correct for a teaser loan ?
A) It is an introductory rate of interest.
B) This rate is permanent in nature.
C) Both A and B are correct.
D) Neither A and B are correct.
Ans) A

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